Keep it Simple, Listen and Converse
October 15, 2019
Over my career, I have been told a few times that I can be a little bit cynical about my own function - Human Resources.
This is because I like to keep things simple, use plain English and avoid the trendy words and terms, which can become quite a funny form of Bingo!!...
Culture and Leadership
August 2, 2019
How often do we hear "’s a cultural thing"; "...the culture needs to improve"; "...they have brought the culture down", etc etc? How often do we see little action from those making these statements to actively rectify their throw away statements, about the perce...
human resourcesleadershipleadership skillsworkplace cultureChecks and balancescoachingcommunicationcourageculture and peopledecision makerdifficult conversationembrace failureEmployeeemployee engagementemployee experienceemployeesEmployment contractenterprise agreementgoalshabitsIndustrial Awardlistening skillspay packetPayrollpeopleperformance managementpersonal developmentplain EnglishReviewself-limitingstrategic HRstructureteam developmentunderpayment of entitlementsvaluesworkplaceWorkplace regulation